
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Wow... It's Been Almost Two Years...

Unbelievable... I used to really enjoy running this silly ass blog. I've had previous moments of laziness, but I don't think that it's been this long between posts.

Ultimately, the blame lies with me. Various social media outlets just make it too easy to post quick thoughts and ideas. iPhone cameras have become amazing in their quality and make picture taking easy and quick. promises, but I'm going to do my best to get this blog rolling again. There's been some amazing things happening over the past two years, at least as far as action figures go. The rest of the world is going full batshit crazy and I'm not going to address that... too much.

The main thing that has been a part of my toy collecting hobby has been the amazing product that has come from Marauder. Those new figures have been a driving force behind my imaginary world of toy soldiers.

But more on those later. For now, I'm back! Hopefully... (you'll need more posts as proof!)

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