
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Wow... Over two years since my last post

Same basic excuses. Facebook and Instagram are too easy and I've gotten lazier in keeping up with this blog. 

I thought that I would comment on my list of 12 items from my last post. Only the ones that are needing to be revisited.

Number 5: Thanks to Joe Biden, Obama is no longer the worst President ever. Obama drops to #2 far behind this cognitively impaired basement cadaver. I'm now viewing Trump, in my own JoeVerse, as the outsider intent on unmasking the Cobra infiltration into the government of the USA. Plus, the drunken old hag didn't get her righteous turn, so Trump had to be destroyed.

Number 6: still a horrific example of Cobra disruption into society. My pronouns are Kiss/My/Ass.

Number 7: Marauder still kicks ass. 

Number 11: holy shit, I totally blew the call on this one. I'm hooked. I'll list the Classified figures that I've purchased sometime soon. Hopefully not two years from now. I didn't buy the HasLab Classified HISS tank, so I'm not totally hooked.

Number 12: Still true. Odd how his woman gets convicted of trafficking in under aged girls and yet no clients are mentioned. "They won't release the client list, because they are the client list."

So maybe I'll try to get this shitshow going again. No promises. 

Hell, I'm hitting 60 years old in nine days. That's going to be worth a few posts. 

Wrapping up time! #LetsGoBrandon