Well, the first two figures from the FSS 4.0 have finally arrived!
Not really, nearly everyone who is a part of the FSS already have their figures. So the first shipment includes Law & Order and Nunchuk. I thought that I would post my thoughts about these two figures. My reviews are very surface level, just general impressions.
I do like this figure, but I'm not really sure that I want to open it.I've already got the Renegades version of Law & Order and I don't really need another. I suppose I could do a head swap and turn him into another MP. The new version of Order is painted quite differently and can easily pass as another dog.
I've read other opinions that many collectors want to keep their figure mint on card and eventually get Kirk Bozigian's autograph. Kirk Bozigian, formerly in charge of Boys Toys at Hasbro and instrumental in the early success of the ARAH line of the 80's, served as the "model" for the original Law figure. Many other people at Hasbro also served as the face "models" for various GI Joe figures.
My problem with this, is that this new version was not based on Kirk's head. It would have been very cool for the Collectors Club, Boss Fight Studio, and Kirk Bozigian to collaborate and do a proper update to Law's head. So why hope for an autograph one day?
The art work? Basically the same as the original artwork and that's Kirk Bozigian's face. My chances of getting Kirk's autograph are probably pretty slim. I generally don't go to Joe Con and he's never made it down to Joelanta yet. For now, I'm going to keep him mint on the card in hopes of one day getting Kirk's autograph.

The original seems to have a more traditional style of web gear on the figure. That seemed to be an issue when the concept designs of Nunchuk were first shown by the Club. Bitch, bitch, bitch.
The Club chose to go with the current modern gear most commonly associated with the various ninja figures that have been produced. So what? Not really a big deal.
The swords look pretty cool, but I may need to figure out a new scabbard set.
I decided to try a different set of web gear for Nunchuk. I used the web gear that originally came with the PoC Jungle Duke and has been reused many times. This web gear rocks! This particular version came with the Alley Vipers from Retaliation - they sucked. I like Nunchuk's new look. I suppose he's my GI Joe "Combat" ninja.
That's about it for this first set of figures. Two decent figures, but I don't think they are the best of what is to come. I'm looking forward to seeing which figures are arriving next!