Every year, the local club creates a massive diorama. This year, the theme was War of the Worlds. Here's the massive tripod they created - easily 12' tall!
The aliens were attacking this building, ripping it open and pulling out people. There's even a guy sitting on a toilet on one floor! Not as ambitious as the zombie project from a few years ago, but still pretty cool!
Just some random shots of the dealer floor follow. Lots of cool stuff from a wide variety of old toy lines.

This is a 1/6th scale R/C assault vehicle. I saw them online at an incredibly low price a couple years ago. Awesome to see it for real today. That would be so much fun tearing around the backyard, but a bit pricey!
Excellent custom vehicle! An alternate universe Nazi Luftwaffe speeder-bike thingy. Based off of the Kenner 1/6th scale Speeder Bike from several years ago. Very slick!
One of the entries in the Iron Joe competition. The two competitors had the park bench as their "secret" item. I liked this one the best - some odd-ball low level superhero perched on the bench. "Will chirp for food." Times are tough for even superheroes!
A couple more random shots of the dealer room. Lots of cool stuff here, but a bit too pricey for my budget!
Awesome 1/6th Little Bird helo!
Some excellent custom 1/6th scale soldiers. Excellent work, very expensive!

Overall, I had some fun. It was great to see some of the local club guys, I haven't seen them in a couple years.
My 14 year old daughter went with me. She had a pretty good time, humoring her goofy dad. I bought her a couple items that sparked her eye. This was the best part of the day, some fun, silly father-daughter time!